Documentation draft: follow OcamlscriptDoc
What is ocamlscript?
Ocamlscript is a tool which allows to use OCaml as a fast scripting language. The compilation process is performed as needed, and all the program and the compilation options are contained in one file.
The main advantage over traditional scripting languages is speed since now OCaml programs are compiled to native code, not only bytecode like the ocaml command does.
The main advantage over regular OCaml programs is that everything is contained in one file. No more tar.gz archives, no more Makefiles.
The main purpose of this page is to propose a preview of the next version of ocamlscript (ocamlscript 2) and discuss it before making a definitive release. Ocamlscript 2 is being developed by David Mentre and Martin Jambon.
Toward ocamlscript 2
Download the pre-release 1.99 now!
Files for ocamlscript 2 will be composed of two parts:
- an optional header, which sets compilation options
- the body, i.e. the program itself
The header is written in OCaml, and is optional. It is separated from the body by a line containing only "--" possibly followed by whitespace).
The body is by default handled using ocamlopt. The compilation commands can be configured and even completely redefined, so that the program itself may not be written in OCaml at all.
Example: I want a script which requires camlp4 preprocessing, and a runtime library which depends on other libraries. For instance, micmatch_pcre has this kind of requirement. If it was installed with ocamlfind, things are really easy. The script is just:
!#/usr/bin/env ocamlscript
OCaml.packs := ["micmatch_pcre"]
let _ = print_endline "Hello" (* or more *)
Here is a copy of the output of "ocamlscript -help" for the development version of the future ocamlscript 2:
Ocamlscript normally reads the source code of a program from a file, looks
if a compiled executable exists for this program. If it exists and if it
is more recent than the source file, the executable is executed immediately,
otherwise it is updated by executing compilation instructions that can
be specified in the program file.
A typical self-executable script looks as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env ocamlscript
(* this is the compilation section, in OCaml *)
packs := ["unix"; "micmatch_pcre"]
(* this is the program section *)
let _ =
For a complete documentation, see http://????????
Structure of the command line:
the first argument of ocamlscript. It is either unpacked into
several arguments that are passed to ocamlscript or into a script name
if this name doesn't start with "-". Double-quotes can be used
to enclose arguments that contain whitespace or double-quotes.
Double-quotes must be doubled. For instance, the following
self-executable script would be compiled into an executable named
Hello "World":
#!/usr/bin/ocamlscript -o "Hello ""World"""
print_endline "Hello "World""
Important note: on Unix, the whole '-o "Hello ""World"""' string
is passed as a single argument to ocamlscript. This is why the first
argument must be unpacked, even if ocamlscript is called explicitely
from the command line.
any number of arguments in this section are treated like options
to ocamlscript until a either a non-option is encountered, which is
understood as the script name (SCRIPTNAME) or "--" which stops
the list of arguments that are passed to ocamlscript.
Ocamlscript supports the following options:
-- marks the end of ocamlscript arguments
-help displays a help message and exit
--help same as -help
-c compile only
-o EXEC_NAME specify a name for the executable
(required if the program is not read from a file)
-e PROGRAM execute the code given here instead of reading it from a file
-f force recompilation which is otherwise based on modification dates
-debug print messages about what ocamlscript is doing
-version prints the version identifier to stdout and exit
- read program from stdin instead of a file
-vm VIRTUAL_MACHINE run the executable using this virtual machine (e.g.
"--": passed as an argument to ocamlscript in the PACKED_OPTIONS argument
or in the OPTIONS argument marks the end of the arguments that
are passed to ocamlscript. Arguments that follow will be
interpreted as arguments of the script.
Arguments that follow "--" in the PACKED_OPTIONS argument
will be passed as arguments to the final executable. The first
argument that follows "--" in the OPTIONS command line arguments
is treated as the script name, unless the program is read from
another source, as specified by options "-e" (a string) or "-"
(standard input).
Compatibility with ocamlscript 1
Ocamlscript 2 will not be 100% compatible with ocamlscript 1, but the changes to convert a script from ocamlscript 1 to ocamlscript 2 are minor. Scripts of the form "#!/usr/bin/ocamlscript unix.cmxa" where there really is only one word after ocamlscript must be modified. "#!/usr/bin/ocamlscript unix.cmxa --" would work, but the recommended way is to do that:
Ocaml.packs := ["unix"]
It requires ocamlfind (Findlib). If ocamlfind is not installed or you don't want to use it, you can do that:
Ocaml.ocamlflags := ["unix.cmxa"]
Scripts starting like "#!/usr/bin/ocamlscript unix.cmxa str.cmxa" (more than one word) are still valid, although not recommended.
Questions? Suggestions?
Discuss here!
Q: is there a way to detect the directory of the running script inside the header? Eg, in most unices, one can use something like:
JUNK=`dirname $0`
export SCRIPT_DIR=`cd $JUNK; pwd`
What I want is for a $PROJECT/test/ main to take some relative path files $PROJECT/ and just include them from above (no cma files), regardless of where the source code is checked out. I want it to reduce to
ocamlopt $PROJECT/test/ $PROJECT/test/ $PROJECT/test/ $PROJECT/test/
Ocaml.ocamlflags := ["../"]
but I don't suppose that it will know what I mean since the current dir is probably reserved for where the script is run from, not where the script lives.
Obviously I could bang out an implementation in ocaml Sys, but I'd have to reproduce dirname because exec-ing is hard, etc. Seems like this should be an ocamlscript builtin.
A: Good suggestion. I added that feature in release 1.99.4. There is an example in the examples/ subdirectory of the package. In your example, you would do:
Ocaml.sources := ["../"]
It uses the Common.script_dir variable, which can also be set to something else if you prefer to make another directory the default for finding source files.
Q author (Jeff Henrikson):
Awesome, thanks for the quick response. I sat down for an hour today to implement it myself, but got stuck on what was considered "input", what needod to be copied, etc. Now I can just get yours.
A semi-obvious addition to my original comment: the builtin Filename.dirname provides almost identical if not idential functionality to the unix utility dirname. So with that and Sys.chdir, Sys.getcwd, and Sys.argv, one can translate the script directory hack literally.
I'm using this for benchmark testing, where I would use the toplevel for testing but I need ocamlopt to get anything like the final performance characteristics. This allows me to just bench test the modules that I need without mucking with my real makefiles. A huge help!
Q : Ocamlscript 2.02 build process gives an error with ocaml 3.12.1.
I Have solved it changing ocamlp4 references to ocamlp5 in the build process. May be this solution should be permanent ?
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